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Five simple gestures to refine your skin texture.

Cinq gestes simples pour affiner son grain de peau

Are you looking for a flawless complexion? The solution is not as inaccessible as it seems! Here are 5 key, natural, easy and quick steps to take yourself to put an end to uneven skin texture.

What is uneven skin texture and what causes it?

Uneven skin texture is often characteristic of combination to oily skin. Visible to the eye and sensitive to the touch (irregular relief under the fingers) uneven skin texture is caused by blackheads, pimples and in places grainy skin.

Uneven skin texture is generally caused by excess sebum. The pores feed on this excess oil and expand, forming an uneven skin texture. But other factors must be taken into account such as age, pollution, diet, tobacco, stress...

Five simple steps to take to regain an even skin texture

1- Adopt impeccable hygiene

Cleansing your skin perfectly with a make-up remover or gentle cleansing care every day morning and evening is essential to rid it of pollution, perspiration, excess sebum, make-up, dust… so many impurities which, if not dislodged, will clog the pores and asphyxiate the epidermis, thus favoring the appearance of imperfections. Having clean skin is essential for it to breathe properly!

2- Putting cold on his face

The cold will naturally tighten pores and refine your skin texture. For this, there are several techniques such as place Eau Rosée in a cool place before applying it and thus benefit from the antioxidant benefits of it in addition to those of the cold, place ice cubes in a clean tea towel and gently apply it to your face or simply rinse your face with cold water before starting your routine. Do not hesitate to use the cold morning and evening for an optimal result.

3- Focus on exfoliation

The secret way to refine your skin texture in the blink of an eye: facial exfoliation! By using a Scrub once or twice a week, you'll get rid of impurities while eliminating dead cells and your face will regain its full radiance. Be careful, scrubs are applied on clean skin and must be followed by a moisturizer to avoid irritating the epidermis.

4- Regularly make masks

After having removed the dead cells and uncrusted the skin using the scrub, it is advisable to apply a mask. The Clarity Mask will complement the benefits of the scrub, bringing hydration and unification to the skin.

TIPS: Prefer masks based on white clay because it cleanses the epidermis effectively but very gently, eliminating the impurities present and helps to intensely remineralize the skin to soften it and restore its radiance. Spirulina is also recommended because thanks to its purifying and anti-oxidant properties, it alone combines all the elements that the skin needs to be firm, smooth and invigorated .

5- Do not neglect hydration

Finally, although it may seem contradictory, hydration is the crucial step for a flawless complexion because it is what will act as a barrier against impurities and responsible free radicals uneven texture You must therefore find a treatment that will hydrate the skin enough to protect it from aggressions, while balancing the production of sebum. Thus, we advise you to opt for the moisturizing Luminizing Cream that is both fluid and light.

You have all the cards in hand to refine your skin texture and achieve healthy skin!


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